Category: Blog
As the year draws to a close, I have been thinking about how we can lower our stress levels, manage discomfort, and which practices have been effective in this regard. In this blog, I would like to share three simple, yet beneficial, self-care techniques that I use regularly. Speaking from personal experience, our ears play an important role in enhancing physical and emotional well-being.
I often hear from my clients that December and the winter holiday season are the most stressful time of the year: – they can feel the changes in weather and decreased sunlight, –...
Our eyes – a miniseries on our five primary senses (part 2)
When I ask my clients about their preferred sensory organ, about 80% answer “the eyes”. Many people associate their eyes with “safety” and the best possible perception of their environment. For many, visual impairment is equivalent to a reduced quality of life. Given this, I have taken a deeper interest in the eyes and included them more consciously in the therapeutic process. Trance is focused attention. It is a state of complete concentration on one specific thing, with closed or even open eyes. It is totally natural and nothing that you have not experienced...
Our nose – a miniseries on our five primary senses (part 1)
We use our five primary senses, sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste to obtain information about our surroundings. The brain does an amazing job in processing this information. Due to the brain’s unique remodeling ability, known as its “plasticity”, when certain pathways are “closed off”, it can: take another route, form new connections, or use unused and weak ones. These are the ways in which the brain supports us by responding to stimuli from the surrounding, making the most of our senses in almost every situation.
Hypnosis and Coaching – a gentle option in your recovery process
Long-COVID syndrome is the name given to persistent after-effects of a coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19 infection), even after the typical convalescence period of COVID-19. Older people and people with serious medical conditions are the most likely to experience lingering COVID-19 symptoms. However, even young people and those who experienced only mild COVID-19 symptoms may feel unwell for weeks or even months after infection (1).
Words and climate change
Speaking, writing and reading play an essential role in our everyday lives. Wherever language is the means of expression and communication, it has the potential to shape the functioning of a society. It represents our personal, professional, political interactions and is culturally determined. Words and phrases can, both knowingly and unknowingly, have an influence on how we and others perceive the world.
Sleepless through the night
It is night. You lie awake in bed, your “better half” snores the sleep of the blissful, and your brain continues its incessant carousel-like rounds. Your body wants to sleep. Your mind has other plans, however. Many of us have already experienced this in one phase or another in life. Hopefully only temporarily.
Hypnotherapy in times of COVID-19
You can visit me in my office in Walchwil, Canton Zug following infection control measures or you can book online-sessions. You should know that an online hypnotherapy session can be every bit as effective as an in-office visit. It does not matter where you live, online therapy opens doors for you to continue or begin your therapy without the need to travel to your appointment.
Identifying your emotional triggers
Have you ever noticed how a certain person’s comment or behaviour, a smell or a sound, can evoke a strong negative emotion and reaction in you?
Fitness for the lungs
Not long ago, in the middle of working through my usual long to-do lists, I realised that while I was still working well, I was not as attentive as I was used to. I felt like I was in a race. I paused and convinced myself to take a break. I sat down and took a couple of deep breaths. With every breath I felt calmer and my mind cleared.
Mind the gap
Throughout the day, we often are so self-absorbed in our work, the projects we have to do, with our worries that we hardly notice the small gestures, the moments of stillness, the beauty around us. We are caught up in so many small details that make up our day and often do not see what is happening under our nose. Often it is only in times of crisis or total breakdown that we might feel how little time we actually have left and realise how crucial it is how we spend it.